Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop - Updates

PlayStation & Xbox Update 2.34 - November 23, 2023
- Fixed the infinite loading screen some players are facing after buying a tram
PC Update 2.34 - November 17, 2023
- Fixed the infinite loading screen some players are facing after buying a tram
PC & PlayStation & Xbox Update 2.33 - September 27, 2023
- [School Bus Extension] Fixed several Valley Spring High School stops could not be unlocked
- [School Bus Extension] Fixed a bug related to tutorial sometimes not progressing
PS4 Update 2.32 & PS5 Update 2.32 - August 29, 2023
- Save Game Data Transfer is now possible
PC Update 2.31 & Xbox Update 2.31 - July 19, 2023
- Fixed various PC and Xbox achievements related issues
- Fixed sometimes the mission 'Hop On' could not be completed due to sleeping passengers
- Pedestrian accidents are now listed correctly within the Payday overview
PlayStation Update 2.31 - July 12, 2023
- Improved memory usage to prevent crashes
- Fix for the PS5/PS4 trophy issues
- Fix for an issue where DLC missions couldn’t be accessed after all main quests were completed
- Pedestrian accidents are now listed correctly within the Payday overview
Note: The next update for PC and Xbox is currently in testing and will follow as soon as possible.
PC Update 2.29, PlayStation Update 2.29 & Xbox Update 2.29 - June 21, 2023
- Fixed an issue where the LED Display on buses cannot be customized
- Fixed an issue with vehicle audio delay
- Fixed an issue with Payday sound effect won't stop
- Fixed an issue with the Mission 'A New Way' being stuck
- Fixed an issue with map extension missions which couldn't be started if a player finishes the main missions while the DLC was already activated but has never been started (PC & Xbox, PlayStation is being worked on)
- Fixed an issue where the mission 'Otter Rock Dam to Highlander Park in 10 minutes' cannot be completed
- Fixed a crash when connecting to the multiplayer session
- Fixed crashes when loading really old save games
- Reduced penalty for pedestrian collision
PC Update 2.28, PlayStation Update 2.28 & Xbox Update 2.28 - May 24, 2023
- Improved performance and memory usage
- Fixed parked cars popping in and out
- Fixed blinkers of the Ebusco 12m and 18m
- PlayStation 4 & Xbox One: Fixed the tram rails popping in and out
- Xbox Series X|S & Xbox One: Improved stability
- Xbox Series X|S & Xbox One: Fixed crash when continuing or loading a game
PC Update 2.23, PS4 Update 2.23 & Xbox Update 2.23 - December 07, 2022
New Skin:
- Official Scania Christmas Skin for the Scania buses of your bus fleet
- Passenger events can be reacted to with the bus mirror again
- Districts on level 0 issue has been fixed
- Fixes for random multiplayer crash issues
- Smaller bug fixes and game improvements
PC Update 2.22, PS4 Update 2.22 & Xbox Update 2.22 - October 12, 2022
- The blocker in mission Perfection is resolved
- Cars waiting too long at intersections is resolved
- Cars getting stuck for no reason is improved
- Crash fixes
PC Update 2.21, PS4 Update 2.21 & Xbox Update 2.21 - August 19, 2022
Pedestrian Fixes:
- Prevent pedestrian from walking/falling through bridges
- Reduced the chance of pedestrians jaywalking in Angle Shores (especially on Golden Island, in Timber Ridge and Coyote Bush)
- Reduced the chance of pedestrians jaywalking in Seaside Valley (especially on highways and around bus stops)
- Introduced new pathways to Golden Island and Arnold Park for NPCs
- Passengers do not get stuck when the bus is full anymore. They leave if they are not able to find a proper seat. Please note that you can observe fewer people standing in the bus, but they will now use the intended standing positions.
- Improved pedestrian behaviour at crosswalks
- You (as a player) can honk [H] at pedestrians in the front of the bus to make them go faster and block people from crossing for a short while
- Waiting passengers at a bus stop and passengers that get off a NPC driven bus do not push each other onto the street and won't block the bus stop anymore
- Waiting passengers at a bus stop wave at the bus they are waiting for
- Waiting passengers always get on your bus (if there is still space in the bus)
- No open umbrellas can be found within the buses anymore and all pedestrians are holding umbrellas when it is raining
- Passengers are now always showing their ticket (didn't show it when on phone before)
- NPC drivers hands do not jiggle while steering anymore
Implementations (Console only, already available on PC):
- Separated voiceover and text language. The text language equals the system language while the Voiceover can be changed in the settings and get applied by restarting the console
- Fixed crash which could happen when players were joining a multiplayer session
- Interior selection can scroll if it gets full (PC only)
- Minimap: The positioning of the cloud borders is adjusted so the minimap is always visible
- No lightning/flashing when buses spawn anymore
- Fix for the PT-BR translations in the in-game news
- Floating car in Sunkiss is fixed (Angel Shores)
- Flickering on an advertisement in the Harbor Area of Seaside Valley has been fixed
- Several loca issues have been fixed in the tutorial, menus, popups, and settings.
Bus Fixes:
- [All buses] Fixed several mirror issues in buses so they work properly again
- [Volvo 7900] Hint for the ignition key moves to wrong position fixed
- [Volvo 7900 Articulated] Flickering information on the right LED panel has been fixed
- [IVECO BUS Urbanway Articulated, MAN Lion's City M (A47), MAN Lion's City CNG Articulated, Mercedes-Benz Citaro K] The floor texture was rotated by 90° on certain busses. This issue has been fixed
- [MAN A37] Bus can be painted again
- [VDL Citea SFL-120] Cockpit light bulb was glowing after turning on passenger lights instead of cockpit lights- This issue has been fixed.
- [VDL Citea SFL-120] Missing switch and dashboard indicator for "toggle Engine" was fixed
- [Setra S412 UL] Bad view through the glass windows while raining has been fixed
- [Setra S412 UL] Issue with advertisement 6 covering the windshield has been fixed
- [Man Lions City 18] Missing light source for the passenger light has been fixed
- [Man Lions City 12C] Passenger lights were missing a light source. This issue has been fixed.
- [IVECO Urbanway Articulated] The cashier lights can now be switched off again
- [Mercedes-Benz Capacity] Scale of rain on windows and front door was inconsistent and is improved now
- [Setra S412 UL] Bright light spot on top of the bus if the passenger lights are activated is fixed
- [All buses] Engine Toggle button is now showing a visible change when pressed/unpressed
PC Update 2.20, PS4 Update 2.20 & Xbox Update 2.20 - July 05, 2022
- Brazilian-Portuguese language is activated as expected again
- Passengers: The issue with passengers getting stuck in overcrowded buses has been fixed
- News Menu: Links within the News section of the game on PS5 can now be activated as expected again
PC Update 2.19, PS4 Update 2.19 & Xbox Update 2.19 - June 14, 2022
- Minor fixes and stability improvements
PC Update 2.18, PS4 Update 2.18 & Xbox Update 2.18 - June 07, 2022
- Chinese Voice Overs added (for Simplified Chinese)
Performance Improvements:
- Overall performance improvements for various areas on both maps
Bug fixes and general game improvements
- “Catch Em All” achievement has been fixed
- Direction arrows on the streets of Seaside Valley are now visible again
- Save games can be deleted again
- Pedestrians do not jump from bridges anymore
- Pedestrians do not sink into the streets anymore
- Passenger delivery/pick up counter does not overcount anymore
- Iveco Crossway LE is now showing the correct engine type
- Mission 10 in Angel Shores which requires a balanced route does not complete with an unbalanced route anymore
- In Sandbox Mode the Quest Log is hidden now
- Female AI driver clipping elbow fixed
- Corrected setting description for the language setting
- Fixed controller can't apply locked customization
- Interact area of the locker in the depot has been improved
- Added a one time per game session reminder of how to stand up from the passenger seat
- Now, you can not sit on passenger seats in the initial tutorial mission anymore
- Long bus names are scrolling in the POI details panel
- Fix of a wrong button icon in the Modding Kit menu
- Added a boat called "Liam Dawe" as a special thanks for testing the game on Steam Deck
PC Update 2.17, PS4 Update 2.17 & Xbox Update 2.17 - Apr 08, 2022
New Feature
- Customizable route colors
- Customization of all buses of a type at once
- Customization of select parts of a bus at once
Bug fixes and general game improvements
- Fixed Mission 1 crash when starting new company in hardcore mode [PC]
- Selecting a modded decal also changes the next decal. [PC]
- Fixed gamepad bug in Driver Profile menu when creating a new company [PC]
- The steering wheel buttons assigned to actions, are now shown in the interaction overview when the cockpit zoom is active [PC]
- Mission 33 “Fun for all”: Fixed that passengers weren’t counting for subgoal deliver passengers to the Pier [PC/PS4]
- Seaside Valley: Fixed pedestrians walking on cars in Astra Park [PC/PS4/X1]
- The district names are now visible in the map menu screen only - you won’t see them on the mini map anymore [PC/PS4/X1]
- Removed bus lane in Millbrook area, where cars were ignoring the lane. [PC/PS4/X1]
Bus fixes and improvements
- IVECO Crossway LE: Added missing turn radius in the datasheet [PC]
- Mercedes-Benz Citaro G: Adjusted physics so stabilize the bus and prevent flipping [PC/PS4/X1]
- Volvo 7900: Added ignition key [PC/PS4/X1]
- Volvo 7900: Added speedlimiter button [PC/PS4/X1]
- Grande West Vicinity 30ft: Fixed rear indicators emitting white light instead of orange [PC/PS4/X1]
- MAN Lion’s City 18C: Fixed that can get stuck in driver’s door [PC/PS4/X1]
- MAN Lion’s City 18C: Cockpit lights are now working as intended [PC/PS4/X1]
- MAN Lion’s City 18C: Fixed source for passenger lights [PS4/X1]
- MAN Lion’s City CNG: Cashier light was not interactable and has been fixed. [PC/PS4/X1]
- MAN Lion’s City 12C: Missing light source for the interior lights fixed [PC/PS4/X1]
- MAN Lion’s City 12C: Cockpit light now turns on and off correctly [PC/PS4/X1]
- Mercedes-Benz interiors: Enabled further customization options for Mercedes-Benz buses, which previously weren’t assigned to Citaro (O530), eCitaro and eCitaro articulated buses. Now all Mercedes-Benz buses have the same interior options (eCitaros having one extra) [PC/PS4/X1]
License plate editor improvements and fixes
- Russian license plates can be customized on PS4. [PS4]
- French license plates fixed (00 is now customizable, place where the area sticker would be, is now occupied with BS21 logo). [PC/PS4/X1]
- British plate now accepts 4 letters/numbers in the last position [PC/PS4/X1]
- Japanese license plate: Fixed that players could get stuck in UI while using a game controller [PC/PS4/X1]
- Better names for the license plates in customization view [PC/PS4/X1]
- Fixed the text format and placement on Chinese and Dutch license plates [PC/PS4/X1]
PC Update 2.16, PS4 Update 2.16 & Xbox Update 2.16 - Mar 02, 2022
New Features and Functions
- Customizable License Plates in the Bus Customization Menu
- Support for Steam On-Screen Keyboard added. It's currently only accessible in Steam Big Picture Mode or while playing on the Steam Deck.
- Added network profiles, allowing players to adjust bandwidth limits for their game. (Under Gameplay → General Settings)
- Bad Ping Warning: In the bottom right of your screen you will now see a orange or red icon if your ping to the server is higher than a certain limit.
- Non-Player Vehicles AI: Cars stopping for no reason (idling for 2/3 minutes) improved
- Increased size of chatter subtitles
- Improved the highlighting of the passengers for inspection/ticket collection
- Bus now properly reacts to analog throttle and brake input when playing with controller
- Fixed Mission "Gotta go fast" & "Perfection" not being progressed when requirements are met (route through all districts, level up all bus stops and districts)
- Buses: Fixed missing safety hammers and signs after last update
- Mercedes-Benz eCitaro: Fixed missing setup (black mirrors, no lights)
- Mercedes-Benz Citaro G: Fixed rain not showing on the front windscreen from interior
- Mercedes-Benz Capacity: Fixed missing rain on doors from the interior side
- Mercedes-Benz Citaro (O530): Fixed issue of incorrect scaling.
- BYD eBus 18m: Moved standing positions for passengers to make sense
- MAN 12C & MAN 18C: Adjusted headlights to resemble reality even more
- MAN A23: Reduced feet clipping
- IVECO BUS Urbanway Articulated: Removed some seat points, to reduce clipping of passengers
- IVECO BUS Urbanway Articulated: Fixed floating radio in cockpit
- IVECO BUS Urbanway Articulated: Adjusted retarder lever to no longer overlap door buttons
- IVECO BUS Urbanway Articulated: Adjusted weight and physics behavior to resemble even more reality (heavier bendy bus with slower acceleration)
- IVECO BUS Urbanway: Adjusted retarder lever so it no longer overlaps the door buttons
- IVECO BUS Urbanway 12m: Fixed material on windshield to react with wipers
- MAN A26: Fixed material on interior windows to display rain realistically (no longer sideways)
- Setra S 418 LE: Fixed windshield wipers having no effect (now they clear rain)
- Setra S 416 LE: Fixed windshield wipers having no effect and adjusted scale of rain in interior
- Setra S 412 UL: Fixed wheel clipping while kneeling
- Volvo 7900 Electric articulated: Fixed material on windshield to react with wipers
- Additional fixes for traffic lights of the Seaside Valley map.
- No driving possible when time-warping: While time-warping you can't drive.
- Game no longer freezes when spamming the dealership UI pop.
- The game no longer crashes when you drive routes that contain more than 127 bus stops.
- The game no longer crashes when a bus is placed at a dead end and the NPC driver can't find home
- Miras voice line no longer loops indefinitely on Mission "New And Shiny" when multiple players try to buy/drive a bus.
- Buses now spawn correctly and not inside the pole when fast traveling to the Paint Paradise
- Fixed that the leave bus UI was only a pink text instead of the controller icon, when using controller (bottom left of the HUD, should show a "C" when using keyboard and Dpad right if using controller)
- Fixed advertisement showing up on every window from the inside, as well as in cockpit
Modding Kit fixes and improvements
- Navmesh agent settings are now the same as in main game, so that Modkit generated navmeshes are compatible by default
- Save install and build dir in config so user settings are not overwritten by each new Modkit release
- Fixed crash in Modkit when trying to use Play in editor
- Modkit buses no longer crash the game
PC Update 2.15, PS4 Update 2.15 & Xbox Update 2.15 - Feb 09, 2022
- Fix: Traffic lights on Seaside Valley work as intended again
PC Update 2.14, PS4 Update 2.14 & Xbox Update 2.14 - Feb 03., 2022
- Fixed an issue with the last mission of the Angel Shores campaign (called “Perfection”), which can now be completed as expected again
- PC Only: The “Hiker” achievement on Seaside Valley can now be completed as expected
PC Update 2.13, PS4 Update 2.13 & Xbox Update 2.13 - Jan 28, 2022
New Features
- Ingame News Feed
- Ingame Modding Support via Mod.io (PC only) - Check out today's blog post for more details!
Accessibility Features
- On screen narration for bus stops on the map screen
- Improved mouse steering
- Subtitled passenger barks so you can now read about the risky burrito
- eCitaro Buses now have a new soundset (buttons, doors, engine) we recorded from an actual eCitaro bus
- NPC Buses no longer wait for an unreasonable amount of time at bus stops so player will not find themselves waiting
- Improved pedestrian behavior on Seaside Valley map
- Passengers now show visible tickets when being inspected
- On company creation, it is now optional to reset the driver settings
- Time warping now displays the correct time on the HUD clock to show time warp progress accurately
- NPC umbrellas now work as intended with more color variations
- Ramp reminder pop up is now shown for the intended time to lower impact on player HUD
- Mercedes-Benz eCitaro buses are now accelerating at a more realistic rate based on community feedback
- Adjusted cashier positions in both eCitaro buses for better usability
- Setra 418 LE lights have been optimized for improved performance
- Adjusted sun blinds on Scania buses so they no longer negatively impact visibility
- New input actions bindings are now merged with custom user input bindings (PC only)
Bug Fixes
- Passengers do not get stuck in bus doors anymore when trying to leave the bus
- Drive event “Passenger needs to get off” is triggered properly
- Xbox Series S out of memory crash is now fixed (Xbox only)
- Brake lights now work as intended when assisted gearing is deactivated
- No oversized umbrellas anymore
- Alexander Dennis Enviro200 opens doors again when driven by a NPC
- MAN Lion's City 18C rear display now displays the whole route (ID + Destination)
- Fixed missing cockpit interactable for far lights on IVECO BUS Urbanway 18m
PC Update #4, PS4 Update 2.0.10 & Xbox Update 2.0.10 - Dec 10, 2021
Performance Improvements
- Lights on the buses have been optimized for better performance when multiple buses are rendered on screen
- Trees have been optimized for better performance in scenes where a lot of trees are rendered on screen
- Night time performance has been improved in areas with a lot of static lamps
New Features
- Customizable bus displays: LED displays of the buses are now customizable
- Bug reporting tool: You can now report bugs directly through the pause menu (PC only)
- Steering wheel diagnostics tool: A steering wheel diagnostics tool has been added to the input settings menu that provides the developers direct information about steering wheels to help us fix any remaining issues experienced by players. This new data will allow us to identify outlying issues (PC only)
- Static pedestrians are now visible around the map in Angel Shores to add more vibrancy to the city
- Support for Tobii HORIZON (PC only)
Bug Fixes
- Setra S 412 UL radio issues are now fixed including fully functioning buttons
- MAN Lion’s City G A23 now correctly displays the cashier light hint
- BYD 18m radio is now useable
- Fix for BYD 12m dashboard buttons missing a material
- MAN Lion's City G A23 ‘high beam’ button is now implemented and functional
- MAN A47 Lion’s City now displays the parking brake lever arrow correctly
- MAN A47 Lion’s City driver window now behaves correctly
- Tutorial option for Seaside Valley has been removed, so players can start playing the missions as intended
- In simplified mode the ramp of the buses can now be extended as intended
- Info cards are now displayed correctly while playing the tutorial mission of Angel Shores
PC Update #3, PS4 Update 2.0.9 & Xbox Update 2.0.9 - Nov 11, 2021
General Fixes
- Buses don't drive while gear is in neutral
- Surface Force feedback intensity can now be reset
- Users can now rebind the action menu button with steering wheels
- Articulated buses are now less prone to sink into the ground
- Seaside Valley mission "I Like trains" now completes correctly
General Improvements
- Adjusted front door and driver seat interactables to be easier to interact with
- Tobii camera movement is now relative to the initial mouse movement
- Added popup that informs the player that Seaside valley is available now
- Sitting in a bus seat now keeps the player view alligned with the bus
PC Update #2, PS4 Update 2.0.8 & Xbox Update 2.0.8 - Oct 28, 2021
Critical Improvements & New Features
- Improved on getting access back in save games which doesn’t detect you as the owner
- Improved performance of missions, including fixing performance issues in mission “Catch them all” unlocking Pecunia
- Input configurations will be restored correctly in case they get corrupted or deleted
- Multiplayer features less rubber-banding
- Destination boards can be set to “Last Stop” mode using the cashier, this will always show the last stop of a route, no matter if driving according to the timetable or doing special trips
- You can now sit on select seats in your buses - enjoy the ride!
Gameplay Fixes
- Taking over an empty bus will no longer unnecessarily spawn an NPC driver
- Description in tutorial as well as reminders for the handicapped ramp will show controls and conditions according to realism setting
- Improved behavior when shifting into Neutral while driving, naturally slowing down the bus
UI Fixes & Improvements
- The privacy notice is now available in Korean
- Selecting the correct bus in collections of multiple buses works without click & hold
- All the mission goals of mission “More Mansions” are now available in German
- When having disabled the mini map, it will not reactivate itself after loading a save game
- Dropdown menus in the settings can be closed by clicking the header again
- Adjusted names for some key bindings as they were confusing
- Driver presets can be applied again in the settings
- Settings can be reset to default
- Improved readability of company settings
Steering Wheels
- Updated input library, fixing some steering wheel issues
- Added additional force feedback settings to allow fine-tuning of feedback
- Fixed door behavior on Grande West 30ft
- Fixed sunscreen on IVECO BUS Urbanway 12m
- Fixed problems with interior ads in MAN A37
- Fixed driver window on MAN A47
- Fixed handling on Mercedes-Benz Citaro G
- Fixed left mirror on Setra S412
- Fixed right mirror on Setra S417
- Fixed sunscreen on Setra S417
- Fixed sunscreen on Volvo Electric 7900 and Volvo Electric 7900 Articulated
- Improved passenger movement in the front of the MAN 12C
- Adjusted cashier location on MAN A47
- Visual quality of buses in the garage menu has been improved
Visual Fixes & Improvements
- Improved visual quality and performance of shadows on distance for some objects
- Eyes of pedestrians are visualized correctly again
PC Update #1, PS4 Update 2.0.7 & Xbox Update 2.0.7 - Oct 5, 2021
Critical Fixes
- Restoring access to save games you’ve been locked out of (missing permission issue) - you should now have the permission to use these save games again
- Fixed a potential crash during the tutorial, mostly reported on PS4
- Prevent writing empty save game files, fixing the future loss of save games (Sadly, lost save games unfortunately can’t be restored)
Improvements & New Features
- PC only: Saving now creates a backup of the previous save state, which is loaded if the most recent save got corrupted
- PC only: Added the option to reset controls to default in the Controls Menu (this does not include the steering wheel settings)
- PC only: Improved the confusing bus selection with keyboard and mouse. Now you can just click and hold to accept your bus choice! The previous method for accepting still works. Nothing changed for controllers.
Gameplay Fixes
- 'Perfect stopping position' when bus kneeling is on should now be more consistent (previously, the kneeling of the bus often prevented this from happening)
- NPC drivers will now despawn when they cannot walk to their seat to prevent them from blocking the view in the bus cockpit
- Passengers no longer suddenly spawn in the bus if another player is driving the bus or if the bus is not on a route
- When taking over a bus from the depot, it no longer spawns with passengers and puts you directly into the driver seat
- Fixed a bug where the length and duration of a route was not calculated correctly
- District names are now only shown once per route
Multiplayer Fixes
- Player is now assigned the correct route when joining a convoy
- Joining a convoy should no longer get the camera stuck on the previous bus
- Ambient assignments didn't show their reward text on clients, now they are shown for both server and client
- Locked decals are now locked for everyone in a multiplayer session
- Driven buses, routes and drive events now also show up for clients on the payday screen in multiplayer
- Improved stability of the back part of bendy buses in multiplayer
UI Fixes
- Removed empty notification text when trying to activate cashier mode while driving, the camera will also no longer bounce weirdly in this situation
- General settings options now display the correct tooltip when hovering over them
- Fixed display of route duration while creating/editing a route
- Fixed texture of the selection square during bus and character customization. Compared to the white block, it should now look nicer
- The ramp button in the action menu should now be highlighted correctly
- Moved the NPC (Non-Player-Character) and NPV (Non-Player-Vehicles) spawn rate settings to the company/session settings as they could crash the game when changed in the main menu
- PC only: Removed thousands separator from the resolution in the settings menu (1.080 is now 1080)
- Fixed bendy bus joints. This prevents them from breaking apart when a player walks through them
- Fixed some seat adjustment issues. Previously, you had to use numpad keys - not every keyboard has those, so now it’s the arrow keys (this can now also be rebound in the controls settings)
- Fixed wraps on the interior monitors for the MAN Lion’s City CNG Articulated
- Fixed floating stickers in a Scania bus
- Fixed wiper animation of MAN Lions City 18C
- Fixed bus LED displays showing the name of the next station twice
- PS4 & Xbox only: Fixed a bug with Mercedes-Benz CapaCity Buses where the rear matrix display did not properly show the route info but only the route number
- Improved steering curve on MAN Lion’s City A26 and Setra S 418 LE Business
- Added texture to the eCitaro interior lights
- Increase the intensity of lights in the eCitaro, and improved their performance
General Visual Fixes & Improvements
- Tweaked “Very High” Shadow Quality a bit, so it looks better than “High”
- Reduced stretching floors of rooms behind some windows
- Fixed material of certain rocks when viewed from a distance
- Improved visual quality of some far away assets and fixed some that were broken
- PC & PS4 only: Tweaked the quality of some trees when viewed from a distance
Map Fixes
- Tutorial no longer gets blocked if the player closes the door before Mira unboards
- GPS in Mission #2 now always leads to the correct paint shop
- Made the first voice-over in Mission #2 conditional to prevent it from playing, even when the mission was already partially done
- Reworked UI Tutorial of Mission #7 “Source and Sink” to make it more stable
- During the mission “Hop Off”, Mira can no longer get stuck in mid-air if the player doesn’t complete the mission goals as intended
- Made the Transit Station glass panels transparent again
- Fixed flying grass at multiple places
- Moved foliage into the correct sub-tile, which should result in less pop-in
- Removed some of the landscape holes where people got stuck
- Fixed player being stuck on an NPC bus de-spawning in depot
- Detection for the first objective of the mission “Take off” now works correctly
General Improvements
- Improved memory usage of missions
Note for PC:
We are aware of a bug concerning the backup of steering wheel settings. This bug causes the deletion of such settings and hinders you from creating new bindings. Should this come up, you will observe that the binding menu simply closes causing the game to be unresponsive to any inputs. This situation can be solved by deleting the "InputPreset.sav" file in the following location:
C:\ Users\ [UserName]\ AppData\ Local\ BusSimulator21\ Saved\ SaveGames\
We will release a hotfix soon to tackle this issue.
PC Hotfix #3, PS4 Hotfix 2.0.6 & Xbox Hotfix 2.0.6 - Sep 20, 2021
- Fixed transit station materials (the good-looking glass is back)
- Improved crosswalks and pothole fading
- Improved far distance imposter quality
- Depth of field is now forced to 0 to prevent blurry pictures
- Xbox One Base & PS4 Base only: Improved shadow quality
- PC only: Improved shadow quality on medium settings and performance on higher settings
- Improved memory usage
- Tweaked character textures
- Rock imposters were improved
- PC only: Improvements to save game stability while exiting the game
- Fixed emojis not working
- Decreased the amount of wheelchair passengers spawning
Updates to tackle the extremely frustrating save game issues are currently in the works and we believe to have found a solution. More news will follow very soon - thank you for your patience.
Xbox Hotfix 2.0.5 - Sep. 14, 2021
- Steering wheel bindings can now be reset in-game
- Fixed force feedback gain setting
- Fixed some rare crashes
- Fixed peak time demand always showing as 0
- Improved ultra-wide monitor support
- Improved performance in China Town area
- Added automatic performance setting detection
Xbox Hotfix 2.0.4 - Sep. 13, 2021
- Fixed steering wheel of Setra being inverted
- Fixed Scania not accessible because of door animations
- Removing/rebinding of steering wheel buttons work like intended again
PC Hotfix #2 & PS4 Hotfix 2.0.5 - Sep. 10, 2021
- Steering wheel bindings can now be reset in-game
- Fixed force feedback gain setting
- Fixed some rare crashes
- Fixed peak time demand always showing as 0
- Improved ultra-wide monitor support
- Improved performance in China Town area
- Added automatic performance setting detection
PS4 only
- Fixed audio in videos not working
PS4 Hotfix 2.0.4 - Sep. 8, 2021
- Fixed steering wheel of Setra being inverted
- Fixed Scania not accessible because of door animations
- Fixed only fanatec steering wheels being recognized
- Removing & rebinding of steering wheel buttons work like intended again
PC Hotfix #1 - Sep. 7, 2021
- Fixed steering wheel of Setra being inverted
- Fixed Scania not accessible because of door animations
- Removing & rebinding of steering wheel buttons work like intended again
Bus Simulator City Ride - Updates

Nintendo Switch, iOS & Android Update 1.1 - January 10, 2023
New Features
- Engine sounds for Diesel and CNG buses adjust to different RPM and acoustically simulate gear shifting
- Road signs now break and fall over on impact with the bus. They respawn after a short period of time in a certain distance from the bus.
- Added localised subtitles for the passenger voice-overs during drives
- Added customisation options for buses and profile pictures:
- the primary and secondary colours chosen during Profile Creation are applied to buses as default colours; you can also choose 'no colour' to play with the manufacturer's default colours for the buses
- the primary colour also applies to your chosen character profile picture
- added an option to adjust colours for individual buses in your Fleet Menu - You can choose two additional steering options for touch input in the settings to use:
- a 'real' steering wheel based off the bus' actual steering wheel
- or a 'button' input to steer with a left and right UI button on the touchscreen
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Improved physics stability for articulated buses and overall driving behaviour
- Passengers and pedestrians are fading in & out when entering or exiting the bus
- Fixed the sidewalk near the 'Meyer Farm' bus stop overlapping with the grassy ground
- RPM gauge in dashboard shows RPM in sync with the sound
iOS & Android Update 1.05 - November 28, 2022
New Features
- Implemented Gyro / Tilt Controls
- Enabled rear mirrors for all 4GB devices / high performance devices
- Speed limiter now limits you maximum speed to the actual speed limit on the current road (was fixed to 50 km/h before)
- Added better icons to show newly unlocked content in route management and bus dealer menus
- Added blinking animation to turn indicator bus interaction state in HUD
- Added missing stop markings on intersections with traffic lights and yield signs
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed iPhone X stability issue where the application terminated on the initial loading screen.
- Fixed automatic resolution scaling to work on iPhone X, reducing issues with overheating and crashes.
- Fixed more instances of gamepad hints in the bottom bar in various menus to say "back" instead of "cancel"
- Fixed road signs being too close to some crossings and causing collisions during turns.
- Fixed navigation markers sometimes preferring the left lane on 4-lane roads causing confusing routing.
- Fixed a missing localization string in settings menu.
- Fixed scrolling issue in settings menu.
- Fixed selection highlight in ticket sales and menus distracting you from the actual thing you need to do when there is no controller present.
- Fixed the camera clipping underground at bus stops.
- Adjusted requirements for 3, 4 and 5 star ratings to align the difficulty across routes and make perfect drives regularly result in 5 star ratings (with the exception of being extremely unlucky with very few Drive Events that occur during the drive)
- Fixed instances where the "Car blocks Bus Stop" drive event did not resolve and reduced the time until cars blocking a bus stop react to your horn
- Fixed texture quality issue for some dashboards on iOS
- Removed cut-off road piece leading to football stadium parking area
- Fixed issue with the Road Blocker visual effect being overlaid by fog in the background
- Fixed X-axis being inverted
- Reduced default steering sensitivity and added more range to adjust the sensitivity to your liking
- Fixed satisfaction score calculation showing wrong base values in the end-of-route score screen
- Fixed an instance where the camera could get stuck at the side of the bus when leaving a bus stop
- Fixed instances (especially in the Old Town district) where road signs were floating above the ground
- Fixed instance where guardrail pole collider was slightly protruding into the road
- Fixed UI layout issues when using mobile devices with notches
- Ticket Selling notification: Background is not clipped off on the sides anymore
- Routes menu: UI stretches correctly
- Reduced road sign collider sizes (some colliders were too big and close to the road making it easy for the bus to collide with them)
- Fixed “squashed” screen rendering issue
Nintendo Switch™ Update 1.05 - November 18, 2022
- The blocker in mission Perfection is resolved
- Cars waiting too long at intersections is resolved
- Cars getting stuck for no reason is improved
- Crash fixes
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed a missing localization string in settings menu
- Fixed scrolling behaving erratically in settings menu
- Fixed the camera clipping underground at bus stops
- Fixed instances where the "Car blocks Bus Stop" drive event did not resolve and reduced the time until cars blocking a bus stop react to your horn
- Fixed gaps between objects and terrain in Grasbrook District
- Fixed issue with the Road Blocker visual effect being overlaid by fog in the background
- Fixed X-axis being inverted
- Fixed satisfaction score calculation showing wrong base values in the end-of-route score screen
- Fixed an instance where the camera could get stuck at the side of the bus when leaving a bus stop
- Removed cut-off road piece leading to football stadium parking area
- Reduced default steering sensitivity and added more range to adjust the sensitivity to your liking
- Adjusted requirements for 3, 4 and 5 star ratings to align the difficulty across all routes and make perfect drives regularly result in 5 star ratings (with the exception of being extremely unlucky with very few Drive Events occuring during the drive)
- Fixed more instances of gamepad hints in the bottom bar in various menus to say "back" instead of "cancel"
- Reduced road sign collider sizes (some colliders were too big and close to the road making it easy for the bus to collide with them)
- Fixed instances (especially in the Old Town district) where road signs were floating above the ground
- Fixed instance where guardrail pole collider was slightly protruding into the road
iOS & Android Update 1.04 - October 18, 2022
- Fixed an instance where cars do not react to the horn when blocking a bus bay
- Fixed route end animation being underground for new camera animations
- Fixed Settings scrolling issue
- Adjusted balancing making it easier to get the 4 and 5 star ratings
- Added better icons to show newly unlocked content in route and bus dealer menus
- Fixed texture quality issue for some dashboards (iOS only)
iOS Update 1.03 - October 14, 2022
- Added missing localization string in the settings
- Fixed scrolling issue in the settings
- Removed the preselection highlight in ticket sales and menus to avoid distraction
- Reduced requirements for 3, 4 and 5 star ratings to make it slightly less difficult to get these ratings on shorter routes